"Every great dream begins with a dreamer. Always remember, you have within you the strength, the patience, and the passion to reach for the stars to change the world" -Harriet Tubman
" An idea is not an idea until it is acted upon. A mistake is only a mistake, if you don't learn from it! If someone tells you it cannot be done, show them that it can! You are an amazing person with the gift of making it happen!"
" Success is something that is first constructed, nurtured and developed in the mind and then released in the world to be followed and to motivate millions around the world!"
"Sometimes people are beautiful. Not in looks. Not in what they say. Just in what they are"
"Being a man doesn't always mean you can't give in to emotion or that you are less of a man if you cry or express that you have been hurt; even Jesus wept."
"In your lifetime you will meet many people and come across some that you may consider to be heroic! Don't allow yourself to be ridiculed for looking up to a certain individual(s)! A hero is someone we can admire without apology!"
"Hope is not the closing of our eyes to difficulty, risk or failure. It is a trust that if we fail now, we shall not fail forever. And if we are hurt, we shall be healed. It is a trust that life is good and love is powerful."
"I believe no matter what, God's always been my soft place to land when life's roads get bumpy and I stumble and fall. He not only cushions my fall but revives my spirit with an abundance of mercy and love. Where can I go that Your love does not reach? Your presence is everywhere and Your love blankets me, protecting me from life's storms. You are truly a safe harbor for my soul. This knowledge is what keeps me at your feet, O Lord. My prayer as always being... Father I love You. All I have is Yours. Yours I am, Yours I want to be, do with me what You will."
"In life we are all in line to God's wish-granting house. In that line, we are all given a specific number. Before you think of giving up remember this: it may be your number that gets called."
"The plus symbol is made with 2 minus symbols so all NEGATIVE things can be shaped as positives if you put your trust in God."